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Prof. Dr. Karl Hecht


Academician of IAS and RAMS, Professor, Doctor of medical science, Head of the WOSCO Scientific Commission on Medicine (Berlin, Germany. 

 1957-1977:Scientific Director of the Department of Stress and Hypertension in the Central Institute for Heart and Circulation Research at the Academy of Sciences in Berlin-Buch;

 1964-1977:Deputy Director of the Central Institute for Heart-Circulation Research, Berlin-Buch;

 1972-1990:Coordinator ‘Chronobiology and Chronomedicine’ of the Space Medicine and Biological Work; Group ‘Interkosmos’;

 1977-1988:Establishment and directorship of the independent Department of Neuropathophysiology at the Charitÿ der Humboldt-University in Berlin;

 1977-1991:Establishment and directorship of the Space Medicine and Biological Centres at the Berliner Charitÿ;

 1983: Establishment and directorship of the Sleep Laboratory at the Charité (3 Chairs);

 1988-1991:  Foundation and Directorship of the Institute for Pathophysiology at the Charité der Humboldt-University in Berlin;

 1990: Foundation of the Sleep Medicine Centre and Leadership of the Charité der Humboldt-University in Berlin;

 1991:Awarded the title of Professor Emeritus;

 1992: Co-founder of the Russian Section of the International Academy of Sciences;  

 1995-2000:Co-founder and Medical Director of the I.S.F. Institute for Stress Research GmbH, Berlin;

 2000: Founder of the Institute for Psychosocial Health;

 2001:Co-founder of the Azerbaijan Section of the International Academy of Sciences H&E;

 2008:Head of the WOSCO Scientific Commission on Medicine;

2009: Professor Karl Hecht was elected President of the World Organization for Scientific Cooperation "Science without Borders" from 2009 to 2016.

2012 :Prof. Karl Hecht was awarded the WOSKO Medal (2012).
2016: From 2016 to the present, he is the honorary president of WOSCO.

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