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His Royal Highness Sultan and Governor
of Indonesian Special Region Yogyakarta
Hamengku Buwono X


His Royal Highness Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X (also seen as Hamengkubuwana) (born BRM Herjuno Darpito, 2 April 1946 in Yogyakarta) is the current monarch of the historical Yogyakarta Sultanate in Indonesia, and is currently also the elected governor of the modern Yogyakarta Special Region. He was inaugurated on 3 October 1998.

According to special status granted to the Yogyakarta state when the Republic of Indonesia was formed, the hereditary monarch is to hold the position of governor of the province. In 1998 the central government required an election be held for the post of governor, and His Royal Highness Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X was elected by the province's assembly.

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