World Organisation for Scientific Cooperation
"Science Without Borders"
Prof. Dr. Elchin Khalilov, Azerbaijan
President of Global Network for the Forecasting of Earthquakes (GNFE) (Munich, Germany), President of the International Committee on Global Geological and Environmental Change -"GEOCHANGE"
- Khalilov Elchin Nusrat was born in 1959 in c. Baku in the family of petroleum geologist.
- Khalilov Elchin graduated from Azerbaijan Institute of Petroleum and Chemistry named after M.Azizbeyov in 1981 on speciality of geophysicist (the master, the engineer-geophysicist).
- From 1981 to 1989 he worked in the Southern Department of All-Union Scientific-Research Institute of Geophysics in positions of: engineer, junior scientific specialist, senior chief specialist and chief of laboratory.
- In 1984 E.Khaliov defended PhD. thesis in geotectonics.
- In 1984, Elchin Khalilov was awarded the highest award for young scientists of Azerbaijan - Laureate of the
Lenin Komsomol Prize of Azerbaijan in the field of science and technology;
- From 1985 to 1988, Elchin Khalilov was elected Deputy Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of Azerbaijan;
- Since 1989 up to present time he is the President of International Scientific and Technical Complex "INTERGEO-TETHYS"(Baku, Azerbaijan).
- In 1990 he defended doctoral thesis at Moscow State University after M. V. Lomonosov (c. Moscow) in the area of study and prediction of earthquakes and volcano eruptions.
- From 1991 to 1995 he was elected as the deputy of Baku State Council of People's deputies, the chairman of permanent deputy commission on ecology.
- From November 1993 to November 2013 Elchin Khalilov was the head of Scientific-Research Center of the Ministry of Defence and directly subordinated to the Minister of Defence of Azerbaijan.
- From 1997 to November 2013 he got the status of the Head of the Department of the Central Office and Chairman of Scientific-Military Council of the Ministry of Defence of Azerbaijan.
- In 2000, Khalilov E.N was appointed as deputy Vice-chairman of Expert Council of Higher Certifying Commission at the President of Azerbaijan.
- In 2002, Khalilov E.N. was elected as the full member of International Academy of Science/International Council for Scientific Development H&E (Austria, Innsbruck) and president of Azerbaijan Section of International Academy of Science/ICSD H&E.
- From 2002 up to present time E. Khalilov is the director of Scientific-research Institute on prognosis and studying of earthquakes (SRIPSE).
- In 2006, Khalilov E.N was appointed as Chairman of Expert Council of Higher Certifying Commission at the President of Azerbaijan.
- In 2006 Elchin Khalilov was appointed a director of the International Project on the topic "New Technology of Seismic Stable Construction ".
- In 2007 Elchin Khalilov was ellected as a vice-president of the International Academy of Science H&E (Austria, Innsbruck).
- In 2007 Khalilov E.N. was the Co-chairman of the International Symposium «Natural cataclysm and global problems of a modern civilization» with participation of scientists from 30 countries of the world (on September, 24-27th 2007 г, Baku).
- In 2008 was elected as an academician of Russian Academy of Natural Science.
- From 2008 also is director of the ICEP program - International Cooperation for Earthquake Prediction.
- From 2009 Elchin Khalilov elected of Vice-President (now he President of WOSCO) of World Organization for Scientific Cooperation (WOSCO, Munich, Germany).
- From 2009 is President of the Global Network for the Forecasting of Earthquakes (Germany, Munich);
- In 2009 , Professor E.Khalilov was elected Chairman of the International Committee on Global in the Geological and Environmental Changes GEOCHANGE, which unites well - known scientists from 90 countries of the world;
- In 2011 Elchin Khalilov was assigned the academic title of Professor in the Speciality of geotectonics and geodynamics.
- In 2011 Khalilov E.N. was the Chairman of the International Congress - World Forum «Natural cataclysm and global problems of a modern civilization» with participation of scientists from 40 countries of the world (on September, 21-23th 2011 г, Turkey, Istanbul).
- Now (2015) he works as the Director General of the Scientific-Industrial Mining corporation "AZERZEOLIT" and Director of Scientific-Research Institute of the Forecasting and Studying of Earthquakes (Baku, Azerbaijan).
- Khalilov Elchin Nusrat is a famous scientist in the sphere of geodynamics, seismology and tectonics. He took part in many international conferences, held in England, USA, Austria, Germany, Brazil, Russia, Spain, Belgium, Czechia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Turkey, Bulgaria, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Greece, Iran, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, China, Slovakia and other countries.
- E.N.Khalilov is a co-author of the sole scientific discovery in Azerbaijan, more than eight-ten patents for invention (PCT, EUROPATENT, Eurasian patents national patents of different countries).
- E.N.Khalilov is the author of more than 300 published scientific articles, eight monographs, more than 400 popular scientific articles. Three monographies of Prof. Elchin Halilov are also in library of the congress of the USA.
- In 2019, Professor E.Khalilov was elected Deputy Chairman of the Alliance "Science and Technology. One Belt and One Road" (China-Kazakhstan);
- Elchin Khalilov was elected in January 2020 as an academician of the International Academy of Ecology and Life Protection;
- In December 2021, Elchin Khalilov was elected an academician of the International Academy of the Turkic World;
- In 2022, Elchin Khalilov was elected a laureate of the PRC Talent Program and was hired at Wenzhou University as a Foreign Scientific Expert of the Highest Category, as well as a supervisor ZEOMAG Research Program and Visiting Professor at Wenzhou University;
- In December 2022, Elchin Khalilov was awarded the Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Medal by the European Academy of Natural Sciences in Hanover (Germany) for his outstanding contribution to world science.