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19-21 SEPTEMBER 2011, Istanbul, Turkey


Istanbul 21 September 2011




Honorary Chairman of the World Forum:


Prof. Dr. Franz Halberg, Honorary Director of the Halberg Chronobiology Center, University of Minnesota (Minneapolis, US)

Honorary Co-Chairman of the World Forum:

Prof. Dr. Nikolay Laverov, Vice President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, President of the National Center for Development of Innovative Technologies (Moscow, Russia)

Honorary Co-Chairman of the World Forum:

Prof. Dr. Walter Kofler, President of the International Academy of Science Health and Ecology (Innsbruck, Austria)


Chairman of the World Forum:


Prof. Dr. Elchin Khalilov, Chairman of the International Committee on Global Geological and Environmental Change (Munich, Germany), Director General of the Scientific Research Institute for Prognosis and Studying of Earthquakes (Baku, Azerbaijan)


Co-Chairman of the World Forum:

Prof. Dr. Atta-ur-Rahman, President of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences, Coordinator General of the Committee on Science and Technology of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (Islamabad, Pakistan)

Co-Chairman of the World Forum:

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Bulut, Vice-Rector of the “Ondokuz Mayıs” University (Samsun, Turkey)

Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the World Forum:

Prof. Dr. Vitaly Starostenko, Director of the Institute of Geophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kiev, Ukraine)

Co-Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the World Forum:

Prof. Dr. Cengiz Toklu, Head of Civil Engineering Department of Yeditepe University (Istanbul, Turkey)

Co-Chairman of the “Health Care” Section of the World Forum:

Yoshihiko Watanabe MD, Ph.D., Assistant professor, Head of Department of Tokyo Women’s Medical University (Tokyo, Japan)

Co-Chairman of the “Cosmic-terrestrial relations, chronobiology, BIOCOS program” Section:

Prof. Dr. Abdullah A. Alabdulgader, General Director of the Prince Sultan Cardiac Center (Al Ahsa, Saudi Arabia)


The World Forum – International Congress “GEOCATACLYSM-2011” was held on 19-21 September 2011 at the Lutfi Kirdar Congress Centre, Istanbul, Turkey.


The World Forum was attended by scientists from more than 30 countries. The exhibition which was held during the Congress demonstrated the modern achievements in the field of science and technology, and personal exhibition halls of famous scientists were set up: for Honorary Chairman of the Congress, Professor, Doctor Franz Halberg, Honorary Director of the Halberg Chronobiology Center (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA); and Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Victor Khain (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia).

The sections held within the Congress included: Special Section “Earthquake Forecasting – 2011”; Section on Earth Sciences; Section on Cosmic-terrestrial relations, chronobiology, BIOCOS program; Section on Health Care; Section on Construction; Section on Economy, Finances and International Law; Section on Emergency Management; Section on Ecology and Environment.

More than 200 presentations of the Congress participants were heard, dedicated to various topical problems of reducing risks and negative effects of natural disasters.


Among those who delivered their speeches at the Plenary Session of the Congress Opening on September 19, 2011 were:


Honorary Chairman of the World Forum:

Prof. Dr. Franz Halberg, Honorary Director of the Halberg Chronobiology Center, University of Minnesota (Minneapolis, US)

Honorary Co-Chairman of the World Forum:

Prof. Dr. Nikolay Laverov, Vice President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, President of the National Center for Development of Innovative Technologies (Moscow, Russia)

Honorary Co-Chairman of the World Forum:

Prof. Dr. Walter Kofler, President of the International Academy of Science Health and Ecology (Innsbruck, Austria)

Chairman of the World Forum:

Prof. Dr. Elchin Khalilov, Chairman of the International Committee on Global Geological and Environmental Change (Munich, Germany), Director General of the Scientific Research Institute for Prognosis and Studying of Earthquakes (Baku, Azerbaijan)

Co-Chairman of the World Forum:

Prof. Dr. Atta-ur-Rahman, President of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences, Coordinator General of the Committee on Science and Technology of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (Islamabad, Pakistan)

Co-Chairman of the World Forum:

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Bulut, Vice-Rector of the “Ondokuz Mayıs” University (Samsun, Turkey)


Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the World Forum:

Prof. Dr. Vitaly Starostenko, Director of the Institute of Geophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kiev, Ukraine)


Congress participants are concerned about global changes in the geological and geophysical parameters of the Earth and near-Earth space, any increase in the number and energy of natural cataclysms on Earth: in the lithosphere, in the Earth's interior, in the hydrosphere, atmosphere, ionosphere, and magnetosphere, all harboring potential dangers to humanity.

Technogeneous consequences of natural disasters can cause irreparable damage to the ecology and environment and can lead to irreversible processes in the planet’s biosphere. Global climate change connected with natural and anthropogenic factors brings about destruction of the global ecosystem, desertification, soil degradation, depletion of the ozone layer and other negative consequences which may cause food shortages for inhabitants of large territories across the planet. The health and well-being of humans are inextricably linked to geological and environmental change.

It must be taken into account that the biosphere is very sensitive to any changes in the environment, which requires constant monitoring and in-depth studies of such influences. This could be facilitated by the creation of a multilingual Internet database for collecting, storing and analyzing information that reflects spatio-temporal changes in geological, geophysical and astrophysical properties of the environment and biophysical and physiological parameters of plants, animals and humans.

Harbingers of undesirable effects of space weather upon communications in us (as well as among us, the latter the sole current official concern) are detected by monitoring, i. a., the human blood circulation. With chronobiologically interpreted around-the-clock surveillance of blood pressure and heart rate, we can start to transform health care into an improved since self-surveillance-based and hence cost-effective cyber-care, detecting alterations in the variabilities in us via an international automatic website for analyzing physiological, epidemiological and physical variables, by (also-automatic) repeated passes over the accumulating data.

Natural cataclysms can in a short span of time lead to catastrophic consequences for whole regions of the planet; take lives of many people; deprive populations of large areas of shelter and livelihood; destroy economies of entire states and cause large-scale epidemics and severe infectious diseases. Today, the world community is not prepared for such a likely development of events. Meanwhile, the geological life of our planet has repeatedly seen spans of a significantly increased incidence of natural cataclysms, and the next such span, as many geological indicators suggest, has already begun.

The Forum participants emphasize that the biggest loss from natural disasters is suffered by less developed countries and low-income population. Special programs must be implemented to reduce negative consequences of natural disasters for those countries.


The participants have decided as follows:

- To approve the Istanbul Declaration on Natural Cataclysms;

- To send the Istanbul Declaration on Natural Cataclysms to the UN Secretary-General, UNESCO, European Commission, heads of state, to parliaments and governments of all countries, and authoritative international organizations;

- To approve the time of the next, third World Forum – International Congress “Natural cataclysms and global problems of the modern civilization” as September, 2014.

- To approve Moscow, Russian Federation as the place of holding of the next World Forum.

- To address the Russian Academy of Sciences proposing to participate in organization of the next, third World Forum – International Congress “Natural cataclysms and global problems of the modern civilization” in September, 2014 as a major co-organizer together with the International Committee GEOCHANGE on Global Geological and Environmental Change (Germany), World Organization for Scientific Cooperation WOSCO (Germany) and other organizations.

- To entrust the Chairman of the Board of the World Forum Prof. Elchin Khalilov to address the International Geological Union and International Union of Scientific Societies for integration of the World Forum into the International Geological Congress and conferences of the International Union of Scientific Societies.

- To approve the creation of a multilingual Internet database for collecting, storing and analyzing information that reflects spatiotemporal changes in geological, geophysical and astrophysical properties of the environment and biophysical and physiological parameters of humans and animals.




Prof. Dr. Elchin Khalilov




Dr. Cavit Yatman





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